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A fundamental concept in Chinese Medicine is the vital energy flowing in the 12 meridians. Any energy blockage = root of current or future pains, disorders, dysfunctions, diseases.


The conduction link refers to how nerves, blood vessels, or energy pathways connect different parts of the body. This concept is common in acupuncture, where stimulating a point affects an organ, muscle, or joint through these pathways.


The energy pathway, the meridians, (Jing Luo) connects the stimulated point to the physical structure being treated. 



The resonance system is mentioned in ancient texts like Chapter 6 of the Huai Nan Zi under the term ganying (感應).


Resonance connects body structures that aren’t physically or energetically linked by nerves, blood vessels, or meridians. For example, a blocked joint can affect another joint through resonance, or a bone by treating on a related bone with the same frequency.


This principle applies to all body systems—bones, muscles, organs, acupuncture points, meridians, and extraordinary vessels.

Origin of the techniques

The diagnostic and treatment technique come from classical texts.


The analysis of the Yi Jing and the continuation of Jacques Pialoux’s  allowed Régis Blin to discover and decode this resonance system within the human body.


Ethics of the practitioner



The quality of spirit that ancient texts call Shen is what connects the practitioner and the patient; it is also what allows the practitioner to feel and guide the patient’s energy.


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