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Régis Blin 

A Lifetime of Contributions to Chinese Energetics 中國能量學

For over 50 years, Régis Blin has devoted his life to

studying and spreading Chinese Energetics.

Régis Blin’s work has been acknowledged at the

"World Scientific and Cultural Dialog

on Acupuncture" in Paris


at the International Conference in Tianjin in China.


His techniques have been integrated

into a BioHealth Clinic in Dubai,

showing the relevance within modern healthcare system.

​​Hands techniques to liberate blockages in the 12 meridians

and to restore the energy level

- improving physical, emotional, and mental health.


By stimulating the intelligence of the person's body

to reconnect its energy circuits.​

Originally found in ancient Classics of Chinese Medicine,

the analysis of the Yi Jing and the continuation of Jacques Pialoux's work, 

allowed Régis Blin to discover and decode this resonance system of the human body.

International Reach

​​Co-founder of

the Society for Study and Research in Energetic Medicine in France

and the Institute San Yuan in Taiwan.

- 50 years of experience training health professionals across the globe -


His teachings attracts experienced doctors of Chinese Medicine,

acupuncturists, osteopaths, chiropractors, surgeons, cardiologists

from around the world:

Beijing, Shanghai, Taiwan, USA, Russia, Dubai, Europe, ...

Researches & Contributions

Publication of the book "L'Hexagramme Tridimensionnel" in French / 三維卦 in Chinese

- Linking each vertebrae: to an element, organ, eight extraordinary channels.

- Structuring emotional chains approach: identifying areas of the meridians where emotions are stored

and creating techniques to release past traumas.​​

三維卦 Hexagramme Tridimensionnel_edited_ed


The techniques of Régis Blin emphasizes on

the importance of health prevention (wèi bìng xiān fáng 治未病).

Accumulation of stress, mental pressure, social tensions,

exposure to electromagnetic fields,

are the root cause of our modern health issues.

By releasing these over tensions at an early stage,

we can avoid future diseases.

Healthcare should remain proactive.

Legacy and Influence

​His researches are guided by the wisdom of the Chinese Classics.​

and has been inspired by the pioneers:

George Soulié de Morant, Dr Albert Chamfrault, Dr Nguyen Van Nghi,

Dr Jacques André Lavier, Dr Jean Schatz, Révérend-Père Larre ,

Elisabeth Rochat de la Vallée, Alice Fano, Catherine Despeux,

Dr Jean-Marc Eyssalet, André Faubert, Jean-Louis Blard,

Dr André Duron, Charles Laville-Méry, Dr Jean-François Borsarello,

Jacques Martin-Hartz, Jacques Pialoux, Jean-Pierre Guiliani,

Robert Courbon, Dr B. Auteroche, Dr You-Wa Chen.


Régis Blin continues a lineage of knowledge passed down through generations.


- A Legacy of Humanity - 

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